Have a Good Day

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
             —Psalm 118:24

Her purchases had been paid for and bagged. As she turned to walk away, the perky clerk said, “Have a good day.” Queen bee did a 180 and hissed, “Young lady, that’s just not in my plans!”

So, how’s your day going?

You’ll get through it, one way or another. How is mainly up to you.

You can grumble and growl, making yourself miserable. You can snap and snarl, sending everyone you encounter running for cover.

Or you can be bigger than your problems, and see the day as a gift from God. It is, you know. What if he had decided not to give it to you?

Have a good day . . . unless that’s just not in your plans.

Unhappy people are hard to love
because they return so little of it.

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