On My Mind

One Different Choice and You Wouldn’t Be Here

By Joe Barnett / July 6, 2024 / Comments Off on One Different Choice and You Wouldn’t Be Here

Dr. Fred Alexander, my college roommate and lifelong friend, chose a career in higher education. It was a close call, because early on he felt the tug of a different calling. As a young Navy Reservist, Fred blew the top off of pilot aptitude tests. The U.S. Navy pulled out all the stops to convince […]

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By Joe Barnett / May 11, 2024 / Comments Off on Mother

There are a handful of things in my life that have always been there—changeless, consistent, dependable: the sun has not failed to rise or set since the day I was born; the earth has not perceptibly changed its spin in my lifetime; God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And then, there is my […]

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Living Happily Ever After

By Joe Barnett / March 30, 2024 / Comments Off on Living Happily Ever After

A group of grieving women who watched Jesus die on Friday trudged to the tomb to anoint his body on Sunday. But the tomb was empty. “He is not here,” an angel told them; “he has risen!” Risen? Who could believe such a thing? His disciples should have. He had told them more than once […]

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O Captain! My Captain!

By Joe Barnett / March 2, 2024 / Comments Off on O Captain! My Captain!

Limping ashore after decades at sea, he was taunted: “You don’t have much to show for all those years, do you?” “No, not much,” said the old salt who had spent years sailing with Sir Francis Drake. “I’ve been cold, hungry, sick, scared, and shipwrecked. But I am certain of one thing: I have been […]

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God Forgives—and Forgets

By Joe Barnett / February 3, 2024 / Comments Off on God Forgives—and Forgets

People thought she was whacko. She claimed that she and God talked one-on-one every night and that he told her about the shenanigans of people who thought their secrets were, well, secret. Someone advised her to validate these alleged conversations by asking her minister if she was really talking with God or hallucinating. Tormented by […]

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News that Doesn’t Make the News

By Joe Barnett / January 6, 2024 / Comments Off on News that Doesn’t Make the News

Day to day, year to year, news remains pretty much the same: A war going on somewhere. Violence on some street in our hometown. People fighting for position, power, a bigger slice of the pie. Hunger, with pictures so appalling we have to look away. Those who have fallen on hard times living in poverty […]

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What Will Matter?

By Joe Barnett / December 9, 2023 / Comments Off on What Will Matter?

Ready or not, one day it will be over. There’ll be no more sunrises, sunsets, or birthdays. Position and possessions will be history. Whether you lived in a castle or a cottage will be irrelevant. All you accumulated, both treasures and trinkets, will pass to someone else. Your proficiency, polish, and pedigree will be meaningless. […]

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All Alone

By Joe Barnett / November 4, 2023 / Comments Off on All Alone

It was a beautifully manicured patch of green where the county buried its unknown dead. As I strolled among the graves, I saw a marker: “Infant Lara.” I wondered who she was and why she died alone. And why did he whose bones were beneath the stone that said “Unknown” die alone? I had been […]

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Jesus’ Last Day in the Temple

By Joe Barnett / October 7, 2023 / Comments Off on Jesus’ Last Day in the Temple

It had been a rough day for Jesus in the Temple. First, the Pharisees tag-teamed with the Herodians to snag him in a trap about paying taxes to Caesar. Then it was the Sadducees, with a cockamamie story about seven brothers dying one after another, each marrying the left-behind widow. “At the resurrection,” they asked […]

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No Room for Gloom

By Joe Barnett / September 2, 2023 / Comments Off on No Room for Gloom

The bigwigs huddled secretly, hatching a plan to arrest and kill Jesus. But they had a problem: pilgrims were pouring into Jerusalem by the tens of thousands to observe Passover, and they were in a frenzy of excitement about Jesus. Jesus had to be eliminated. “But not during the Feast,” the schemers whispered, “or there […]

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