
(He) is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine....

(Ephesians 3:20)
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Joe Barnett

A Word From Joe Barnett

This site is about words.
First, about God’s authoritative, inspired Word.
Second, about my non-authoritative, non-inspired words—nevertheless, written in hope that they will encourage those who read them, and above all that they will point the reader to God’s Word.

Here are the regular features you will find here.

  • Today’s Walk in the Word. A brief devotional that appears Monday through Friday. Each entry is based on a single verse of Scripture, followed by my comments related to it, and ending with a summary aphorism. To access the latest devotional click on "Today’s Walk in the Word" below. To access previous messages click on "Archives/A Walk in the Word" in the top menu.
  • On My Mind. Messages on varied topics that appear on this site at least once a month. To access the latest entry click on "On My Mind" below. To access previous messages click on "Archives/On My Mind" in the top menu.

Each of these features can also be fed directly to your email box if you wish. Just click here to sign up.

And yes, you are permitted—in fact, encouraged—to pass along any of these messages to those you feel will benefit from them. Just click on the “Forward to a Friend” button. Your participation in this way makes this “our” ministry instead of “my” ministry.

If you find anything here that brings you, or those with whom you share these messages, into a closer relationship with the Lord, I praise God and thank him for permitting our paths to cross.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you will do so often.


Today's Walk in the Word

Get On the Right Page

Your word is truth.     —John 17:17 Humorist Garrison Keillor was probably correct when he epitomized the contemporary manipulation of truth: “Sometimes you just have to look truth square in the face and deny it!” Most of us have done it when we’ve stepped on the scales, canceled an annual physical, or made an […]

Can You Believe It?

Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven.             —Romans 4:7 Today’s scripture citation is an excerpt. The apostle Paul was extracting a portion of David’s. testimony: “Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them” […]

You Don’t Earn It; You Accept It

It is by grace you have been saved. —Ephesians 2:8 T.C. was driving a long stretch of Texas country road late at night. He had the road all to himself—until red strobe lights told him he didn’t. “I clocked you at 87,” said the officer. T.C. argued. “The law is the law,” said the officer. […]

Jesus Is Coming

You do not know on what day your Lord will come.     —Matthew 24:42 “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. . . . So you must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when […]

If You’ve Received Mercy, Be Merciful

Blessed are the merciful.           —Matthew 5:7 The king was calling an enormous debt. The debtor begged for mercy. Knowing that he would never be able to pay, the king canceled the debt. Encountering a man who owed him a pittance, the forgiven debtor grabbed him in a chokehold and demanded […]

Your Father’s Love

See what great love the Father has lavished on us                                         —1 John 3:1 When your child is ostracized, hurt, or defeated, what do you do? Say grow up, stop being a wimp, get a grip? […]

Daily Meditation

Today's Walk in the Word

A brief devotional that appears Monday through Friday. Each entry is based on a single verse of Scripture, followed by my comments and ending with a summary aphorism. 


Latest Posts

On My Mind

Messages on varied topics appear on this site at least once a month. You can read these articles in our archive or sign up to get them in your in box. 


Your Gift Matters


Pathway has produced and distributed more than 12 million copies of Joe Barnett’s writings without cost to recipients, supported by friends who contribute to the ministry.

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