It’s Your Life

I care very little if I am judged by you.
                 —1 Corinthians 4:3

Fear of displeasing others gives them control which only you and God should have.

There will always be somebody who wants to control you. But when pleasing people becomes your primary focus, your vision of God becomes blurred and your life-purpose muddled.

Only you can discern the God-designed purpose of your life. Prayerfully seek his direction. Don’t let the approval of others be the standard you feel compelled to meet.

Paul said it well: “God’s grace has made me what I am . . .” (1 Cor 15:10 NCV).

Be what you are, not what someone else wants you to be. Don’t yield to pressures that pull you away from your purpose.

Refuse to abandon your purpose and principles.

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