Heavenly Hindsight

All things work together for the
good of those who love God.
     —Romans 8:28

Joseph got a bunch of bad breaks: sold into slavery by jealous brothers; sent to the slammer by the false accusation of a lying woman.

Years later, hindsight revealed that God had crafted rewarding results from excruciating experiences. When his brothers came to Egypt for food and found Joseph alive, and at the apex of power, they were terrified. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Gn 50: 19, 20).

What is seen as tragedy today may be seen as triumph when ripened by time. The bumps and bruises in this life may be reclassified as gifts of grace in the next one. With heavenly hindsight, you will see blessings in what you thought were catastrophes.

Give thanks for the sharp tools
God is using to shape you.

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