Judging by the Superficial

Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.
             —1 Samuel 16:7

Physical beauty isn’t a vice, but it is a danger—to both the one who has it and to the one who observes it. The one who has it is susceptible to arrogance and pride. The one who observes it is vulnerable to lust and envy. Both are in danger.

We are inclined to judge both self and others by the superficial—by how we look, what we wear, what we drive, where we live. If we score high we are in danger of looking down on those who don’t. If others score high we are in danger of considering them more valuable than those who don’t.

It is “the hidden person of the heart” that God values (1 Peter 3:4).

True worth isn’t on the surface, but beneath it.

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