I Don’t Know What to Do

We do not know what to do,
but our eyes are upon you.
—2 Chronicles 20:12

Hitler’s minions were put in charge of the German Protestant Reich Church in 1933 by rigged election. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a brilliant young theologian, vocally opposed the Nazi regime—a losing battle in the sense that he was imprisoned in 1943 and hanged in 1945.

Bonhoeffer’s favorite verse was, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” Human solutions are elusive (We do not know what to do); divine solutions are conclusive (our eyes are upon you).

“I do not know what to do!” How many times have you said that? Are you facing a situation today where you just don’t know what to do? If so, lean on the rest of the text—but my eyes are upon you.

Trust an unknown future to a known God.

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