
He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.
          —Psalm 91:2

Do you demand that God meet your expectations, justify your faith, earn your loyalty? In other words, do you dictate the terms of the relationship—what he must do to win your trust?

Trust doesn’t dictate terms; it relies on the one it trusts, without qualification. Don’t present your problem to God if you’re going to snatch it back when he doesn’t handle it the way you want him to, as quickly as you want him to.

A prayer of trust runs something like this: “You are God; I’m not. You know what is best; I don’t. I haven’t come to you to tell you what to do; I’ve come to you to ask you to do what is best—and to give me the faith to unconditionally trust that you will.”

Trust is signing your name on a blank sheet
of paper and letting God fill in the rest.

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