What God Wants

How can I repay the Lord
for all his goodness to me?
       —Psalm 116:12

“God is so good / God is so good / God is so good / He’s so good to me.” So go the opening lyrics of Velna Ledin’s 1933 hymn.

The psalmist mused, “How can I repay him for being so good to me?”

Good question.

For repayment to honor God it must be something he wants. So phrase it this way: what does God want from me in response to what he has done for me?

The Macedonians gave money, but the root of their generosity was “they gave themselves first to the Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5).

That’s what God wants. He wants you. When you give yourself to him you have given him all he wants.

God made you, but waits
for you to let him own you.

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