This May be the Day

He told me everything I ever did.
                      —John 4:39

There was nothing to indicate that this would be anything but another miserable day in her this-is-the-pits life. If you had told her that this was the day she would meet her Savior she would have laughed—or spit—in your face.

She wasn’t seeking the Savior; he was seeking her. He had made the trek through Samaria and perched at Jacob’s well because he knew she would show up there.

He knew everything about her—her weariness, her loneliness, her brokenness, her failed marriages. And he knew her need for living water to satisfy the thirst for a life that she had given up hope of ever having.

Greet today with confident anticipation. It may be the day he intersects your path and brings blessings that you have given up hope of ever receiving.

He knows your past; sees your present;
and can change your future.

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