Forget It

Forgetting what is behind.
   —Philippians 3:13

Mopping up the debris left behind by a painful ordeal is heavy work. It may involve dumping an unpleasant memory. Or forgiving what seems unforgivable.

There are things you have to forget if you plan on winning at living.

Paul zeroed in on “forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead” (Phil. 3:13 TLB).

You can’t enthusiastically look forward to the future when your brain is bogged down in the muck of the past.

Repeatedly reliving a distasteful experience magnifies the mess and poisons the diminishing days on your calendar.

The days behind may be littered with pain, but the days ahead don’t have to be.

A big part of contentment is selective thinking—thinking about what you are grateful for and refusing to think about what you’re not.

Don’t forget things you should remember
or remember things you should forget.

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