Be Different

Just as he who called you is holy,
so be holy in all you do.
      —1 Peter 1:15

The root meaning of the word “holy” (hágios) is “different.”

William Barclay notes that the Temple was hágios because it was different from other buildings; the Sabbath was hágios because it was different from other days; the Christian is hágios because she is different from other people.

Growth in holiness is a lifetime process. God isn’t finished with you. He makes bad people good and good people better.

Have you fallen into a habit of doing, saying, or thinking things that stunt your spiritual growth?

Judge others too harshly?
Speak too sharply?
Harbor a secret sin?

Talk to God about it. Ask him to help you conquer it. He will, and you will be more like him tonight than you were this morning.

Every step you take moves you one step closer
to him or one step further from him.

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