God Loves You Because You are You

How great is the love the
Father has lavished on us.
              —1 John 3:1

Infancy. Childhood. Adolescence.

Through it all your parents loved you. Not because you were good. Not because you were obedient. Not because you were beautiful. Not because you were brilliant.

But because you were you—their child.

You wanted to please them, but their love did not have to be earned.

Neither does God’s love.

He loves you because you are you—his child.

He doesn’t love you because of what you do or because his love is your due. Heaven knows you’ve gone against his will enough that you in no way deserve it.

Doesn’t matter. He loves you anyway—and there’s nothing you can do to keep him from loving you.

He loves you. Period. Because he is your Father and you are you.

You are imperfect,
but God loves you perfectly.

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