Five Bouquets of Aphorisms (1)

He who walks with the wise grows wise.
                     —Proverbs 13:20

Aphorisms say much in few words. I’ve gathered bouquets of some of my favorites to pass along to you for the next five days.

You don’t have to be successful to start, but you have to start to be successful.

Two kinds of people fail—those who listen to nobody, and those who listen to everybody.

You can’t choose where you came from, but you can choose where you are going.

Things turn out best when you make the best of the way things turn out.

You can’t change everything you face, but you can’t change anything until you face it.

Don’t hang up if God doesn’t answer on the first ring.

People benefit more from being valued than from being evaluated.

Happiness doesn’t come from the goods you have, but from the good you do.

You don’t become what you are capable
of being by remaining what you are.

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