
Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday

Do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
                    —Proverbs 6:20

Your mother was there:

when you gulped your first breath,
when you shrieked your first cry,
when you gurgled your first giggle,
when you lisped your first word,
when you took your first step,
when you cut your first tooth,
when you were terrified by your first day at school,
when you were baptized,
when you graduated,
when you married,
when you became a parent,
when you buried someone you loved.

Because of her you know God.
Because of her you love Jesus.
Because of her you are indwelt by the Spirit.
Because of her you belong to the church.
Because of her you are saved.

Whether still living or gone to her reward, she is ever-present.

Mother. In my life for a while.
In my heart forever.

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