The Extravagant Love of Jesus

(He) made himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
                            —Philippians 2:7

Danish philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard spun a tale entitled The King and the Maiden that went something like this . . .

The maiden had no pedigree, no education; she dressed in rags and lived in a hovel.

The king fell in love with her but didn’t know how to reveal his love, or how to the bridge the chasm that separated them.

He could command her to marry him, but he could not command her to love him.

He concluded that the only solution was to relinquish his throne and assume the life of a peasant—to become like her.

Kierkegaard’s aim was to illustrate the extravagant love of Jesus in descending to our level—becoming like us.

Christ’s love is unquestionable. Has his love gained our love in return? That’s the question.

Jesus was willing to do anything—anything—
to prove his love and gain ours.

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