God Hears Your Prayers and Sees Your Tears

I have heard your prayer
and seen your tears.
    —2 Kings 20:5

God sent Isaiah to the good king Hezekiah with this grim message: “Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover” (2 Kgs 20:1).

The thirty-nine-year-old king turned his face to the wall and prayed and wept.

His prayers and tears touched God’s heart, and before Isaiah got out of the palace court, the Lord told him to make a U-turn, hustle back to Hezekiah’s bedside, and tell him, “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. . . . I will add fifteen years to your life.”

Your prayers are heard; your tears are seen.

God is moved by your prayers
and touched by your tears.

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