Control Your Poor Me Meter

Do not be anxious about anything.
         —Philippians 4:6

Can you think of anyone with more reason to be anxious and depressed than the apostle Paul when he jotted down that line? Under house arrest, awaiting trial, shaky health—eyesight so bad he had to squint to read.

Yet, read his letter to the Philippians, written while in lockup, and you would think he was in a five-star hotel on a Caribbean island. There isn’t a single word of complaint: no gripe, no whine.

He said he had “learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” And he urged his readers to rejoice in the Lord, be anxious about nothing, be thankful about everything, and experience the peace of God which would guard their hearts and minds.

Don’t let the needle in your Poor Me Meter point to the red zone.

You are either imprisoned or
liberated by your attitude.

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