Jesus, Only Jesus

[T]hey saw no one except Jesus.
            —Matthew 17:8

It was a spine-tingling experience: Jesus’ face shone like the sun, his clothes were eye-squinting bright, and Moses and Elijah were right there talking with him (Mt 17:2–3).

Then a bright cloud blanketed them, and God spoke. Peter, James, and John fell facedown, terrified.

Jesus touched them and said, “Get up. Don’t be afraid.”

“When they opened their eyes and looked around all they saw was Jesus, only Jesus” (MSG). The visitors were gone. The cloud was gone. Jesus, only Jesus, remained.

“Don’t be afraid” frequently appears in scripture, often joining its twin, “Take courage,” assuring us of the presence of him who never leaves us alone on the mountain of fear.

When you’re face down, terrified, look up and see Jesus, only Jesus.

Shhh. Just listen to what he’s saying to you:
“Get up. Don’t be afraid.”

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