Muscle Up Your Prayer Power

In everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
             —Philippians 4:6

When the doctor walked into the surgical waiting room, Bob and I met him to hear his report. He said the surgery had gone well. When he left, we retreated to a corner of the room, and I said, “Bob, let’s pray.” He looked alarmed, and said, “Oh, wow! Do you think it’s that bad?”

Why do we think of prayer as a last resort? Two reasons, I think: a sense of self-reliance, and its opposite, a sense of self-reluctance.

Self-reliance has unjustified swagger: I can handle my problems myself; I don’t need help. Self-reluctance has unjustified modesty: God has a lot on his plate—wars, global warming, the Dallas Cowboys; he doesn’t have time to mess with my mess.

He has plenty of time for you and is waiting to hear from you.

Let nothing poison your prayer power.

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