On the Road

He sees every step I take.
       —Job 31:4

When you came into the world, and for quite a few years after, you didn’t have a clue where life was taking you. You were on a journey with an unknown destination.

As you moved through adolescence into adulthood, you began to target a destination and started mapping your strategy to get there. You were on the road—but the journey was far from predictable: mountains and valleys; jammed freeways and lonely lanes; highs and lows; wins and losses; joys and sorrows. And lots of detours.

But while you may have endured some dark patches along the way, your God is all light, no darkness (Ps 139:12). You’re in safe hands: “God knows everything [you] do; he sees every step [you] take” (Jb 31:4).

God knows your journey’s end—
and will get you there safe and sound.

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