Contentment: A Learned Disposition

I have learned to be content.
       —Philippians 4:11

Are you content? If not, what would it take to get you there?

I know of a man who was at the top of his game. He had a boatload of money, an immense inventory of properties, and was powerfully positioned politically.

Was he content? Not by a long shot. Scrutinizing a spreadsheet of his vast fortune, he growled with disgust, “Utterly meaningless . . . I hate life” (Eccl 1:2; 2:17).

I know of another man who was also at the top of his game. He didn’t have much; in fact, said he’d lost everything—but gratefully added, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Phil 3:8; 4:11).

We arrive on this planet crying and complaining, but we don’t have to leave here that way. We, like Paul, can learn to be content.

Contentment is never present
where gratitude is absent.

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