You and God Make Beautiful Music

God will help me;
the Lord will support me.
       —Psalm 54:4

The little shaver slipped away from his parents, traipsed onto the stage where the renowned Ignacy Paderewski would be playing tonight, sat at the grand piano, and started playing chopsticks. As Paderewski walked from the wings, the tense audience held its collective breath.

Paderewski quietly moved behind the boy and whispered, “Keep playing.” Reaching around either side of the child’s hands, he improvised a countermelody to the youngster’s chopsticks.

Fiction or fact, so goes the story.

You and God make beautiful music. “I am with you . . . I will strengthen you, I will help you” (Is 41:10).

Alone, the best you can do is chopsticks, but with God’s help, you can make delightful music.

You are destined for greatness because
you’ve signed on with the greatest.

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