A Brand New Page

[Forget] the past and [look]
forward to what lies ahead.
         —Philippians 3:13

The Magic Slate was one of my favorite childhood Christmas gifts.

I could write or draw on the Slate’s plastic sheet, then peel the sheet back, and everything on the page would magically disappear. And then I could start over on a blank page.

There’s no magic that can wipe out the doings of the old year, but the New Year offers a new page, a new beginning, a new hope.

Don’t let the botched opportunities, regrets, and stumbles of the old rob you of the blessings, choices, and possibilities of the new. Get excited about the plans God has for you this year.

Peel back the scribblings of the old year. There you go—a brand new page.

Let go of what was.
Embrace what is to be.

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