Today I Resolve

Noble actions are the children of noble resolutions.

Use these thirty Resolutions as seed thoughts, rewording them as needed to fit your circumstances.

  1. Today I Resolve to express appreciation to ___________, who has blessed my life.
  2. Today I Resolve to brighten every room I enter with a smile.
  3. Today I Resolve to be thankful for what I have and refuse to whine about what I don’t have.
  4. Today I Resolve to find a need and fill it.
  5. Today I Resolve to find a solution rather than offer an excuse.
  6. Today I Resolve to go the extra mile—there are no traffic-jams on that road.
  7. Today I Resolve to answer the door when opportunity knocks.
  8. Today I Resolve to forgo judgment when my information is spotty.
  9. Today I Resolve to take control of my speech.
  10. Today I Resolve to look for something I can sincerely praise in ­­___________.
  11. Today I Resolve to contact my old friend ___________.
  12. Today I Resolve to treat ­­­­___________ as I do my pictures, displaying her in the best light.
  13. Today I Resolve to be enthusiastic; a dead ember doesn’t spark fire.
  14. Today I Resolve to let go of the past, which I cannot change—and make the most of the present, which I can.
  15. Today I Resolve to respond to distasteful behavior with grace, not hostility.
  16. Today I Resolve to face adversity with courage.
  17. Today I Resolve that every person I encounter will carry away a word of encouragement.
  18. Today I Resolve to measure my life by how I use my gifts, not by comparison with the abilities and achievements of others.
  19. Today I Resolve not to be ruffled by trifles.
  20. Today I Resolve to help someone without expectation—or desire—for anything in return.
  21. Today I Resolve to thank God for today—this once-in-a-lifetime gift.
  22. Today I Resolve to perform common duties uncommonly well.
  23. Today I Resolve to thank God for the priceless gift of Christian friends.
  24. Today I Resolve to master my spirit, giving no thought to self-pity.
  25. Today I Resolve to trust God unconditionally.
  26. Today I Resolve to focus only on the good in ___________.
  27. Today I Resolve to enjoy who I am, where I am, and what I am doing.
  28. Today I Resolve to make ___________feel important and appreciated.
  29. Today I Resolve to be understanding, realizing that ___________ is fighting a personal and lonely battle.
  30. Today I Resolve that I will not complain—about anything.
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