Don’t Forget Who Gave You Your Start

Remember your leaders who
first taught you the word of God.
                —Hebrews 13:7

“When David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep” (Acts 13:36). Leaders come and go.

The original recipients of Hebrews were second-generation believers. The author urged them to remember those who taught them and birthed their faith.

We, too, should gratefully remember those who first taught us—they gave us our start, put the training wheels on our bike, and launched us on our Christian journey.

They aren’t the sunset of our faith, but they were the dawning of it. We wouldn’t be where we are if they hadn’t been where we were. They should be remembered with affection and appreciation.

Today you are in the place they once were. You will have your day, serve your generation, and exit the stage. Hopefully, your descendants will respectfully remember your nurturing of their faith.

Forgetting is a manifestation
of callous disrespect.

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