Passing It On

I must leave the fruits
of my hard work to others.
      —Ecclesiastes 2:18

“There is a time to be born and a time to die” (Eccl 3:2). When that last “time” comes, you’re going to leave your stuff behind—all of it.

That troubled Solomon: “I must leave the fruits of my hard work to others. And who can tell whether my successors will be wise or foolish? And yet they will control everything I have gained by my skill and hard work” (Eccl 2:18–19).

Solomon’s concern proved to be valid. His son Rehoboam was a fool who wrecked the nation.

Someone will carry on where you left off. They will perpetuate your name, own your estate, and perhaps assume your position and your responsibilities.

Succession is tricky. Solomon, the wisest of men, didn’t know if his successor and heir would be wise or foolish. Neither do you.

Leave something behind that isn’t totally
dependent on successor generations.

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