Mission Accomplished

The glory of the One and Only.
                    —John 1:14

In 47 BC, Julius Caesar led his Roman troops to a five-day rout of the Pontic army. Caesar’s Latin declaration of victory was brief: “Veni, vidi, vici”—“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

Eighty years later, those claims were forever etched in history by Jesus.

Jesus came. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (Jn 1:14).

Jesus saw. “He saw the crowds, [and] had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Mt 9:36). He not only saw crowds; he saw individuals: “When the Lord saw [a grieving mother], his heart went out to her” (Lk 7:13).

Jesus conquered. “I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). “It is finished” (Jn 19:30).

Mission accomplished!

The battle has been won and
you’re invited to the victory party.

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