Use It or Lose It

We belong to each other, and
each of us needs all the others.
            —Romans 12:5

“I’ve been compiling my bucket list,” Ron said, handing me a sheet of paper.

The first item was, “Take my sister to Italy.”

“I thought you’d been to Italy,” I said.

“I have, but Carolyn hasn’t, and she’s always wanted to visit Italy.”

Putting the desire of his sister above his personal preferences was a beautifully unselfish move.

Romans 12:6–8 lists seven gifts that God distributes to those who make up the body of Christ: preaching, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, and showing mercy.

Each of these gifts is others-focused—intended for the benefit of the receiver, not the giver.

You have one or more of these gifts. Peruse the list and pinpoint yours. It is diminished by disuse or enlarged by use—use it or lose it.

Your gift is useless until you give it away.

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