Altogether Now

How good and pleasant it is when
brothers live together in unity.
                —Psalm 133:1

Some wag described heaven as a place where “there will be five thousand sopranos, five thousand altos, five thousand tenors—and I’ll do the bass.”

I don’t know what heaven will be like, except that it will be perfect. I envision it as a place of sweet fellowship, with every person fitting in just the right place.

I feel sorry for people who don’t do church—they’re missing so much. The times that I’ve felt most complete and integrated have come when I’ve been part of a body made up of people going in the same direction—everyone filling their role, contributing to the unity of the whole.

It’s like an impeccably-performing symphony orchestra. Each instrument is necessary for the whole—a trombone can’t take the place of a violin, nor a cymbal the place of a clarinet. Blended together, they make delightful music.

Always put the team ahead of personal glory.

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