How good is a timely word.
         —Proverbs 15:23

NBA star Michael Jordan seemed to be a shoo-in for the Most Valuable Player award in 1990. Without question, he was professional basketball’s most outstanding athlete. Many consider him the greatest roundballer ever to hit the hardwood.

But Jordan wasn’t voted MVP. The award went to Earvin “Magic” Johnson. The choice came down to the definition of “Valuable” as opposed to “Outstanding.” MVP isn’t just about individual performance, where Jordan had no peer. It’s also about inspiring and encouraging one’s teammates.

I’ve known some high-performance pulpiteers—superstars, capable and captivating, who used their talent faithfully.

I’ve known some others who were not as impressive, popular, or gifted—but who were awesome cheerleaders, encouragers. If I had a vote, I’d check the box next to their name for MVP. And I think that name might be yours.

If you want to do something extraordinary
today, encourage someone.

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