Split-Second Prayers

Reckless words pierce like a sword.
               —Proverbs 12:18

I learned church vocabulary at an early age—being in church three times a week. My dad told me that even my mealtime prayers included, “Guard, guide, and direct us, as we go to our several places of abode”—though I had no idea where those several places were or what an abode was.

Late-night, comedian-hosted television programs applaud smart-mouthed, quick-witted retorts. That’s what gets them ratings.

But in regular-life relationships, curt comments can be damaging. James advises us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak”—a wise discipline in daily communication. Words have the power to bless or blast.

Cultivate a habit of split-second prayers before making that phone call or clicking “Send” on that email or text message. Just a simple: “Help me say the right thing, Lord.”

Once you’ve said it,
you can’t unsay it.

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