You’re in Good Hands

The righteous and the wise and
what they do are in God’s hands.
          —Ecclesiastes 9:1

On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 struck a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff and lost power in both engines. Knowing he couldn’t get back to LaGuardia, Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger piloted the plane to a crash landing on the Hudson River. All 155 people on board survived. “They Were in Good Hands,” said the headlines.

David was having a bumpy ride when he expressed his confidence in God: “Into your hands I commit my spirit” (Ps 31:5)—the same words Jesus uttered from the cross as he took his final breath (Lk 23:46).

Being in God’s hands is not a guarantee of economic prosperity, robust physical health, or protection from tragedy. But it is assurance that God cares and that his hands are on the controls.

The beauty of putting yourself in God’s hands
is that he will write the end of the story.

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