
Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
                 —Romans 12;17

Bitterness sucks the joy out of life. It has a voracious appetite, consuming huge helpings of hatred, anger, resentment, and self-pity—devouring enormous amounts of time, mental energy, and spiritual stamina. It creates a downward spiral that never hits bottom.

We have a mandate to forgive when wronged. But forgiveness is a steep climb—and “forgive and forget” is a humanly unreachable peak. God can do that and does (Heb 8:12), but we can’t and don’t.

Forgiveness does not turn a blind eye to the offense or paper over the infraction. But it exercises a self-disciplined determination to be kind to the offender—to reject bitterness in favor of goodwill.

Reconciliation may or may not be possible, but “as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom 12:18).

Forgiveness may not change the offender,
but it changes the offended.

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