Amy’s Prayer Principles

Pray continually.
—1 Thessalonians 5:17

Amy Carmichael (1867–1951) was born in Northern Ireland in 1867. She spent most of her adult life—from 1895 until her death in 1951—doing mission work in India.

Her primary focus was rescuing little girls whose parents were selling them to different gods, turning them into temple prostitutes.

Amy didn’t fault ministries with other policies, but she refused to solicit financial support, depending upon God to prosper her work as he saw fit.

She and her co-workers constantly prayed, observing her three principles for prayer:

  • We don’t need to explain to our Father things that are known to him.
  • We don’t need to press him, as if we had to deal with an unwilling God.
  • We don’ need to suggest to him what to do, for he himself knows what to do.

Determine what God
wants you to do, and do it.

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