He Isn’t Done with You

All of you will desert me.
            —Mark 14:27

Perhaps your Christianity has never been questioned—by anyone but you. But you remember a time when you said, thought, or did something that exposed a weakness. It grieves you.

On their walk to Gethsemane, Jesus told his disciples that all of them would desert him. Peter said he wouldn’t. “And all the others vowed the same” (Mk 14:31).

Instead of reproaching them as traitors, he told them that he would meet them in Galilee once the terrible ordeal was over. He loved them despite their weakness and refused to write them off.

He knows your weakness; how likely you are to stumble in a vulnerable moment. But he loves you and isn’t done with you. Don’t be too hard on yourself. So, you made a mistake—he will meet you on the other side of it.

Meet Him in Galilee.

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