It’s Your Choice

Choose this day whom you will serve.
                      —Joshua 24:15

In his goodbye speech to Israel, Moses said, “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life . . .” (Dt 30:19).

In his farewell speech to Israel, Joshua, Moses’ successor, said, “Choose this day whom you will serve” (Jo 24:15).

Jesus preached that we must choose either the “road that leads to destruction” or the “road that leads to life” (Mt 7:13–14).

Every person is confronted with this choice. As someone said, “All life concentrates on man at the crossroads.” Choice is inevitable—it cannot be evaded.

To say “Yes” to one way is of necessity saying “No” to a different way. And to say “No” to one way is of necessity saying “Yes” to some other way.

The choice is yours—but choose you must.

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