Being Remembered

In my old age, don’t set me aside.
                       —Psalm 71:9

For a couple of years, I regularly visited several elderly residents in a care facility. Most were lonely, having no family members nearby and having outlived their closest friends. Some wondered if anyone would remember them when they were gone.

There was a time when three generations of a family often lived in the same town or within easy driving distance. That’s seldom the case today. So, make it a priority to let aging family members know they are not forgotten.

And if you feel forgotten, know that at the highest level, you’re not. Your Father assures you: “I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you” (Is 46:4).

Jesus, your closest friend, thinks of you
and intercedes for you every day.

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