It’s Going to Be All Right

All things work together for
good to those who love God.
            —Romans 8:28

The Friday Jesus died seemed like a very bad day. You couldn’t have found a disciple who could see anything good in it or anything good coming from it. They were in despair: terrified, despondent, grief-stricken. Their movement was dead, and their hope was dead because their leader was dead.

But these many centuries later, we know that it was the day God’s greatest gift of grace was given.

You may be facing fierce winds of distress. You can’t see anything good in it or anything good coming from it. It hurts. I wouldn’t for a moment make light of it—but I would encourage you not to leave God out of it. He turned the tragedy of the Cross into history’s greatest triumph. He is good at writing winning endings.

Don’t put a period where God puts a comma.

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