You Have the Right to Choose

Seek peace and pursue it.
        —Psalm 34:14

Want a couple of sentences that can keep you in control? Try these: “I have the right to choose.” “I choose peace.”

When some domineering person drives you to the limit of your endurance, say to yourself: I have the right to choose. I can choose to let this get to me, or I can choose peace. I choose peace.

When you are pressured by unreasonable demands, say to yourself: I have the right to choose. I can choose to let this ruin my day, or I can choose peace. I choose peace.

When anything or anyone threatens to hijack your attitude, say to yourself: I have the right to choose. I can choose to surrender control, or I can choose peace. I choose peace.

Not circumstances—but how you react to circumstances—
determines your level of peace.

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