Some Things Worry Does for You

Do not worry about your life.
            —Matthew 6:25

Jesus was good at answering questions. He was also good at asking them. Here’s one for you: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Mt 6:27).

In other words, what does worry accomplish?

Answer: Nothing. Well, that’s not quite right—there are some things worry does for you:

  • It wrecks your resistance and triggers health problems.
  • It robs you of optimism and torpedoes your zest for life.
  • It impairs your judgment, sabotaging your ability to make good decisions.
  • It makes you unpleasant and unwanted company.
  • It smothers gratitude; when you worry, you are blind to blessings.

Can you name one good thing that worry does for you? The only thing I can think of is that it makes you look serious. Hemorrhoids can do that.

Fix it if you can. If you can’t, don’t
spin your wheels worrying about it.

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