In Grateful Remembrance

Those who believe in me,
even though they die, will live again.
                          —John 11:25

Several of my friends have lost a companion in recent months. The parting is painful.

But as much as it hurts, every day of missing your dearest on earth has a bright side to it, because even though it is one day further from the last time you saw your loved one, it is one day closer to the next time you will.

In the words of Robert Raines:

“As we separate and the ties unbind and the threads of our lives disentangle, let us believe in our hearts that nothing we have shared together that is good will be lost, that all we were takes its honored place in our life’s journey; that much we cannot communicate nonetheless endures, that nothing can separate us from our love.”

We hold in grateful remembrance
a string of beautiful memories.

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