All Alone

My soul is crushed with grief.
                   —Mark 14:33

In Gethsemane, Jesus “began to be filled with horror and deep distress. ‘My soul is crushed with grief,’” he told his three best friends.

Bible scholar R.C.H. Lenski wrote, “We should not think that the rapid approach of physical suffering and death brought on this agony.” Instead, Lenski said, it was that “the battle that Jesus fights in this hour he must fight alone.”

Betrayed by one disciple, renounced by another, and forsaken by ten, he was all alone, tortured by the anguish of having been abandoned by his closest friends.

Alone he faced his enemies. Alone he faced his trials. Alone he faced flogging. Alone he faced taunting. Alone he faced suffering. Alone he faced death.

He faced it all alone so that in life and in death we don’t have to.

Your commitment to Jesus
means you will never be alone.

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