Don’t You Care?

Don’t you care if we drown?
             —Mark 4:38

Some of Jesus’ disciples were experienced mariners who made their living on the water. But they were no match for the storm that swamped their boat on this day—and they were terrified.

Jesus was sound asleep, and that rubbed them the wrong way. So, they woke him and said, “Don’t you care if we drown?”

There were two questions that day:

Their question was, “Don’t you care?’

Jesus’ question was, “Where is your faith?”

At some point, you will be ambushed by a storm where your abilities come up short and solutions seem out of reach.

Perhaps it was Peter who shook Jesus awake and asked, “Don’t you care?”

But after a lifetime of facing ferocious storms, he jotted this sentence for you: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares” (1 Pt 5:7).

Jesus may not always deliver you from storms,
but he will always be with you through storms.

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