You Are Salt and Light

You will shine among [a crooked
generation] like stars in the sky.
          —Philippians 2:15

You—yes, you—are the salt of the earth and light of the world (Mt 5:13, 14).

Without salt, food is bland. Your life—as salt—should present Christianity as desirable, not distasteful; as delightful, not disagreeable. Leaving people with a pleasant taste in their mouths about Christianity is a choice—you do, or you don’t.

You not only carry the light, you are the light. It is sobering to realize that those living in darkness don’t judge Christianity by the Bible but by you. Shining the light or hiding the light is a choice you make—you do, or you don’t.

That you are the salt of the earth and light of the world are Jesus-stated facts. What you do as salt and light is the rest of the story: those are the chapters you are writing.

Season and shine.

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