To Whoever Finds This, I Love You

Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
                                  —John 15:13

Lloyd Ogilvie, U.S. Senate Chaplain (1995–2003), told about an eight-year-old girl in an orphanage who had been terribly abused. She was understandably distant and defensive. She had no friends, not one.

A supervisor was informed that the girl had hidden a note in a tree outside the stone wall surrounding the campus. She retrieved it, read it, and wept.

The note, scrawled with a crayon, said, “To whoever finds this, I love you.” The child so desperately wanted to connect with someone who would love her that she went outside the walls of the institution and left that note on a tree

Enemies of Jesus took him outside the walls of Jerusalem and nailed him to a tree. A note on that tree has your name on it: “To whoever finds this, I love you.”

Our feelings come and go.
Jesus’ love comes but never goes.

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