Shaped by Adversity

Blessed are those whose
strength is in [God].
   —Psalm 84:5

Catastrophe tends to shape us.

World War II disrupted life as America had known it: sugar and tires were rationed, and speed limits were imposed to reduce gasoline usage. Death notices of war casualties escalated daily.

It was a painful time. Even so, the trauma of deprivation and death moved thousands to return to churches they had abandoned: three out of four Americans became active members of some church.

Closer to home, COVID-19 turned our world upside down. To be at the mercy of a microscopic viral bug is unnerving.

Facing fierce headwinds reveals more about us than when favorable winds are at our back. Adversity, more than prosperity, shapes and defines us.

“Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you” (Ps 84:12).

Prosperity is pleasant but
adversity is a greater teacher.

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