Tame Your Temper

A fool gives full vent to anger,
but the wise quietly holds it back.
               —Proverbs 29:11

The word “fool” is often linked with anger in the Bible.

“A quick-tempered man does foolish things” (Prv 14:16).

“It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel” (Prv 20:3).

“Do not be quickly provoked . . . for anger resides in the lap of fools” (Eccl 7:9).

Temper tantrums are unpleasant in children—and obnoxious in adults.

Grown-ups who fly off the handle are a disgrace to themselves, a humiliation to their target, and an embarrassment to those who witness their explosions.

“I have a quick temper,” the diva said, “but it doesn’t last long.” Neither does a tornado, but it leaves a mess that takes years to clean up.

Words and actions sparked by anger leave wounds that may never heal.

A minute of uncontrolled anger
can give birth to years of regret.

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