An Everlasting Warranty

Teach us to number our days.
                —Psalm 90:12

When I asked an octogenarian how he was feeling, he said, “I feel good, except for the parts that hurt.”

As we grow older and realize that this machine we live in has a lot of miles on it, there’s an awareness that a part here and there will wear out—and that however skillful our medical mechanic, there is a point where there’s nothing he can do to make it function as well as it did years ago.

I’m not eager to give up this old machine that has so wonderfully served me these many years. Yet, I’m gratefully mindful that there’s a new model with an everlasting warranty awaiting me—and that there is a beautifully crafted model on the eternal showroom floor for you as well.

The earthly body wears out.
The heavenly one never.

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