Pause Point

Let your speech always be gracious.
                   —Colossians 4:6

A “Pause Point” is where you deliberately call a time out to think about what you are going to say before you say it.

Easier said than done. All of us have spouted off when we shouldn’t have. Maybe it did no damage. On the other hand, maybe it did.

Digital media has added another layer to speech. James said the tongue is like a fire. Today, so is the keyboard.

There are no do-overs; once you’ve said or published it, you can’t reel it back in. So before you post on social media or fire off that email or text message, take a “Pause Point” break.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths [or media posts], but only what is helpful for building others up” (Eph 4:29).

Carefully consider whether
to release or to refrain.

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